Below are links to Norwich health clearances with OFFA -Sabine, Tovah and Pecos are my foundation dogs from Foxwood Norwich and mentor Kathy Mines. Those listed after are Norwich that we have bred.
Sabine, CH. Foxwood Beric Hello Texas & Tovah, CH Foxwood's All Decked Out @ Shakira Pecos, CH Foxwood's Captain Marvelous .
Shakira Wham Bam Sam , Shakira Shimmy Shimmy Shake, Shakira’s Little Red Poppy
Please click on the names to see their health clearances.
We have our first owner bred Norwich champion, Champion Shakira’s Wham Bam Sam, finished at the NRG stadium, shown by Viva Garcia to judge Nancy Liebes. Huge thank you to Nevaeh and Tracy G, and Roxanne Sutton! It truly takes a village!
The grands have taken to the ring as well. To say my cup runneth over is an understatment!
We have Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. We have imported our foundation and believe in the health and longevity of the our dogs and the breeders that have mentored us. We are always happy to share what we have learned and to have families come and meet our dogs, as many have never met a Wheaten!
Wheatens are a joyful breed, that are kind, empathetic and good humored. They are truly a wonderful breed.
Now Showing
My adventures in dog showing with my grands has begun…You can follow the fun here
Now Showing
My adventures in dog showing with my grands has begun…You can follow the fun here
Puppies brighten everybody’s day!! I will try and keep our latest litters puppy pics here. 😊
First gallery is Wheaten litter born 8/6/20- newborn- 10 days
Wheaten puppies dob 8/6/20. 2 wks old 8/21/20